
All nukes can stop from Aomori's nukes ! but...

It can give up.

It is not safety.

It is not sustainable.

It makes a hell world.

All over the world people know it.

But,almost Japanese people don't know it.
Government ,politician,professor,ordinary people...

Almost japanese people say
"we need nukes"
"nukes make many many moneys"
"nukes make happy country"
"we cannot get enough generation of electricity without nukes"
"we cannot back to the nature"
"we cannot have any consideration for next generations"
"we love money ,we love ecology,we cannot love children,we cannot love earth "

Hey.are you alright?
Please calm down.and think slowly.

But,they are almost like a cult ...
We used to no think...
We have only just a trust...there is no truth....


Because,we have too many problems.
and,most biggest problems are in Aomori.

Aomori is most important nukes spot.

There are many nuclear institutions http://www.jnfl.co.jp/english/index.html
・Rokkasho nuclear fuel reprocessing plant
・Ohma full MOX fuel power station
・Rokkasho nuclear fusion power station research center
・Nuclear fuel vitrified waste storage center
・Higashidori nuclear power station

They have too many nukes.
If happen big earthquake,terror,and more... nuclear institutions will be broke easily.
That's nuclear hazard can brake northern earth,i think.

and more...
All nuclear power station can out the spent nuclear fuel to only Rokkasho.

So,if we can stop Aomori's nuclear institutions,all nuclear power station cannot work.

So,now.we have to choice a leader who can lead us to non nukes world.

We aomori's people have a huge responsible for aomori,japan,world,next generations...

But,we don't know about that.
We don't have much information.

Almost japanese major mass medias don't work well...

Almost japanese major mass medias don't tell us the truth...they are controled from money...

I heard it is rare government have a press club.
And,one corporation can have all medias,TV,radio,newspaper...

Is it really?!
Only Japan?!

I don't want to believe it...

So,we have to know the truth,needs information.
but,it's difficult...

I want your help !!!
please tell us the ordinary information that is world's standard.

I spread this information.
twitter,face book,and more SNS...

but,it will not work well...

We japanese need world's opinions.
Please tell us.

I don't want to see hell world.

I want to see really happy world.

I want to live enjoyable with everyone.

I want to work well for earth.

Please,spread this blog.
and,tell us.

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